What are the "prebiotics" commonly found in dog food recipes?
Prebiotics, also known as prebiotics or chemical probiotics, are non-digested nutrients, food components or inhibitors that are not digested by your dog. When prebiotics enter the intestines of pet dogs, they can only selectively stimulate the growth and reproduction of certain beneficial bacteria, or activate metabolic effects, and are selectively used by beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
The addition of prebiotics to pet dog food can greatly reduce the odor of pet feces, but also reduce the harmful substances such as ammonia and skatole produced by pet dogs!
What's the difference between prebiotics and probiotics?
Both prebiotics and probiotics affect the balance of the gut microbiota but in completely different ways. The key difference is that prebiotics act on the flora already present in the gut while probiotics are externally added bacteria. In addition to this distinction, the following points should be noted
1. Prebiotics enter the gastrointestinal tract in the form of undigested oligosaccharides, which can indirectly promote gastrointestinal health and nutrient absorption by reducing PH value and promoting the growth of bifidobacterium and other beneficial bacteria.
2 Probiotics are exogenous bacteria that act more directly. However, it has obvious pertinence, that is, adding different strains for different causes and constitutions, such as bifidobacterium, has a significant effect on gastrointestinal diseases.
3 In the highly acidic environment of the stomach, the viability of foreign bacteria is tested because only the beneficial bacteria that survive and enter the gastrointestinal tract can be effective. Some probiotics cannot withstand the corrosion of stomach acid (strong acid environment) and intestinal fluid (alkaline environment). Prebiotics are not organisms without survival problems.
4. The immune system recognizes the process of exogenous probiotics. When exogenous probiotics are added directly, different constitutions may react differently.